Notes on Linux

  1. Recommended Books:
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  2. Working behind an authenticated proxy in Ubuntu

    Add this code to your .bashrc

    export http_proxy
  3. To install apache2 in Ubuntu
    sudo apt-get install apache2
  4. File hierarchy
    1. /bin - essential binaries for system to function - cat, cp, ls, ps, - (note: no subdirectories in /bin)
    2. /etc - config files for local machine and users - hosts, X11, gimp/1.2/gimprc, bashrc - (note: no binaries)
    3. /home - location for all user files - /home/mfincher
    4. /lib - libraries needed to run the system, binaries in /bin and /sbin
  5. Manually mounting the windows file system

    In case SuSE does not mount the windows drive try the following:

    mkdir /home/c
    mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /home/c

    To find clues on devices:

    # mount  //this will show a variety of devices
    # cat /etc/fstab
    #ls /media

    To mount a usb device, try something like

    mkdir /home/usb
    mount -t usbfs /proc/bus/usb /home/usb
  6. Fonts

    shared fonts in the new Fontconfig subsystem live in /usr/share/fonts/local/ and are updated with the fc-cache command.

    I tried the automated method of downloading the microsoft fonts, but due to our proxy server and other issues, no success. here are my notes on manually installing the fonts:

            and download the times32.exe and other font files
    mkdir /usr/share/fonts/local/
    cd /usr/share/fonts/local/
    mkdir times32
    cabextract times32.exe .   #you can get this executable from the above web site
    ttmkfdir > fonts.dir
    /usr/sbin/chkfontpath --add /usr/share/fonts/local/times32/
    /sbin/service xfs reload   #  restart the font server
    xlsfonts | grep -i micro  # to test install
  7. Notes:
    to change your prompt, set the env variable 'PS1', example:  
    PS1='\u@\w:>' will set it to be the username at the current working directory. 
    You can set this in your .bashrc file or /etc/bashrc.  
    See 'man bash' for a list of magic escape sequences
    /etc/rc.d/init.d/ypbind (start|status) // to start a demaen
    /sbin/service httpd restart  //restart apache
    shutdown now
    alt-f2 // gets to other virtual sessions (1-6)
    /etc/motd // welcome message
    /etc/fstab // file systems
    mount -a -t devpts //mounts all file systems of type devpts
    /etc/sysconfig/network //primary ethernet controller's configuration
    /etc/rc.d/init.d/ypbind start
    in command mode: ALT-F7 goes back to XWindows
    ctl-alt-shift backspace to quit X
    startx //start xwindows
    /usr/sbin/mouseconfig //redo mouse configuration for /etc/sysconfig/mouse
    /usr/X11R6/bin/Xconfigurator // to redo config
    rpm -iv --nodeps opera-6.02-20020701.1-static-qt.i386.rpm // ignore dependencies
    /etc/rc.d/init.d/network restart // to restart the network subsystem
    vi /etc/sysconfig/network //to change name of system
    /usr/X11R6/bin/X -showconfig //to show configuration of X
    /etc/X11/F86Config //text file containing x windows setup
    mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom //to mount the cdrom device
    umount /mnt/cdrom //to unmount cdrom device
    /usr/sbin/chkfontpath --list // to check which font directories are loaded
    su -c "mkdir /usr/local/cvsroot" //execute a single command as root
    /sbin/ifconfig //set or display network interfaces
    To add a user:  /usr/sbin/useradd bgates
                    /usr/bin/passwd bgates
    To add TrueType fonts:
    # cd /usr/share/fonts/default/TrueType
    # ttmkfdir > fonts.dir
    Restart the X Font Server: 
    # /etc/rc.d/init.d/xfs restart
    To add directories to your path edit bash_profile:  