Below are letters I found in the 1885 El Dorado Eagle. I'm not sure where J.D. Pickens fits into to the family but thought it might make a nice addition to the webpage. - Tana Morgan (
El Dorado Eagle
El Dorado, AR
V.ix  Number 28
Nov. 5, 1885

Memories of the Camp Fire

Champagnolle, AR Oct 30,1885

Editor Eagle:

Enclosed please find a letter from J.D.PICKENS which I would like for all
surviving members of the 3rd. Ark to read and I would like to hear from Capt.
A.C. JONES and others of the 3rd. Ark Regiment on the subject of a reunion. I
met with three of the old 3rd. Ark. boys at our Association near Oakland, LA.
the first of this month and it was almost like meeting brothers. Would like
you to publish MR. PICKENS letter

Your Friend,

Anson, Tex, Oct 14, 1885

Jno. D. STAPLES, Champagnolle.

My Dear Old Friend,

I heard from you some time since through our mutual friend Frank WARD and was
glad to hear from you though, indirectly. Would be glad to have you, some dull
Sunday, to write me a lengthy letter and tell me about the old country and all
the boys of Company E, of the famous 3rd. Ark.Why don't you get up a reunion
of the old 3rd. I would be sure and go. Reunions are frequent in Texas; I have
attended several of Hool's Brigade and always represent the 3rd. John, we have
a fine country: lands are very rich and yet are cheap, generally from two to
three dollars per acre.
The country is new, but destined to be great some day. If you can come out do
so and see what we have here. I would indeed be happy to see you. 
Kind regards to all my friends, and be sure and write soon.
J.D. Pickens
El Dorado Eagle
vol. ix num 30
Nov. 19,1885

Mt Holly, Nov. 12, 1885
Dear Friend:
	I take this method of answering the call made upon myself and others through
the EAGLE, to express my sentiments in regard to a "Reunion" of the 3rd
Arkansas Regiment. I read with pleasure the letter of Lieut. PICKENS. I
remember him well as a gallant soldier, who distinguished himself on several
occasions by his courage and coolness at critical moments. As regards the
"Reunion" it's practicability has been frequently discussed and Col. MANNING
written to on the subject. He expressed himself anxious that arrangements
should be made and promised to attend when notified. The trouble is that the
survivors of the Regiment are so widely scattered, many of them in Texas and
other states that it would be difficult to select a location sufficiently
central and accessible. The only man that I know of who could make a success
of such a move, if he could be induced to take the necessary interest, is Mr.
	I have had it in my mind to write for publication some sketches of incidents
in the service of the 3rd Arkansas Regiment in the army of Virginia but have
not had time to do so yet. It is perhaps not generally known that this was the
only Arkansas Regiment that fought under LEE; that it was a part or the
celebrated Texas Brigade which had the distinction of being led by Gen. LEE,
in person, in a charge on the bloody battle field of wilderness, checking the
advance of the enemy and saving the army from a great disaster. But enough at
present. I shall be glad to hear 
from you again on the above subject, and will assist in any plan proposed.
Yours, & c  

Same Edition of the El Dorado Eagle

SURVIVORS of the 3rd ARKANSAS Regiment will find and interesting communication
from Capt. A.C. JONES in another column, in reference to a re-union recently
suggested by other members of the same command. We would be glad to hear from
all who feel an interest in the suggestions made. The ties of friendship that
bind together the hearts of those who suffered the hardships and privations of
the army life together are as strong and indissoluble as earthly ties can be
made, and 'twould indeed be a treat to the few survivors who are left to meet
and mingle and talk over the scenes and incidents of camp life after the lapse
of a quarter of a century, which finds most of them now growing gray with age
and nearing the end of an eventful pilgrimage.